Revolutionizing retail: Innovating shopping experiences for tomorrow
You are building a digital platform with specific demands: lots of integrations, demanding stability and performance, using cloud or being offered in a SaaS model, perhaps facilitating a two-sided market. You have a strong vision, a long roadmap and high ambitions. The technology you want to offer is complex and needs to be impeccable.
Marc van Ogtrop
Industry Director at Levi9
Exploring the intersection of digital and physical shopping experiences
The retail industry has many things happening today. By leveraging data, we can finally crack customer loyalty, offering online and in-store experiences that align with consumers’ desired products, as well as optimizing logistics, traceability, and predictability throughout the supply chain. Still a low margin industry, the demand for innovation is high. From food to fashion, what happens in retail impacts every consumer on a daily basis.
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