One Giant Leap in Automation: Amazon Step Functions

What are Amazon Step functions?

To find out how many words are in each sentence of Queen’s Wikipedia biography, you’ll need to do some common-sense actions: read the text, split it into sentences, count the words, then put back together all the information about each sentence in one single text.


Surely you don’t need automation for that. It’s a straight-forward, simple task. But what if you needed to count all the words in the Wikipedia entries of the Top 100 British bands of all time? This is where Andrei Elefterescu steps in to explain what Amazon Step functions are.


Amazon Step Functions is a serverless orchestration service that helps us integrate multiple AWS services such as Lambda, S3, SNS, and so on to develop various applications. Going back to the Queen example, those steps define a “Step function”.


While it’s easier to visualize as a diagram, Step Functions are written in an AWS proprietary language, which is JSON-based. Of course, Amazon Step functions are much more useful than counting words on a Wikipedia page. The service can be used to process images in S3, ETL (Extract – Transform – Load) processes, machine learning, microservice orchestration, IT and security automation, as well as Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD), a process that automates the integration and deployment of code. “Step Function has around 250 integrations with other AWS services and around 11,000 API calls that can be called from it. “In 2016, when they launched, they only had an integration with S3 and 3–4 other services.”


JDK17 brought on pattern matching in a switch. If you want to check an object for its class type, now it’s possible in switch statements too.

Key concepts

Before we delve deeper into how Step functions work, here are some key concepts, as explained by Andrei:

6 September 2023

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